Tuesday 11 September 2018

First in the series

I have always wondered about this creation. How magical it is? Though this magic is only at the surface level on which most people survive. But still it is unbelievable. Look at the laws on which this world functions. Not only this world, but the whole universe. Some scientists have found out certain laws in which this creation was created. Some laws only though, not all. For if all gets fathomed, every thing gets fathomed. Then human will be god. Artificial sense of god will vanish. No fear will remain. Human will transcend to new reality.

But this looks far fetched. Today man is as miserable as he was before, the advent of western sciences. In fact, if facts to be taken, today man is more depressed than before. He suffers more. He dies out of depression and commits suicide if his lover leaves him. So fragile has man become. This fragility has come through long struggles of devolution. Yes, its devolution and not evolution.

Many believe that today man is at a very advanced stage and has come a long way in advancement. It has more gadgets and many things happen just by touching a button. Such is the advancement that man has created artificial intelligence. Robots can now think for themselves and for humans just because man’s intellect made it possible. Its certainly true.

However some facts counter this. It was said that long before writing was introduced, teachings were orally imparted. Students directly learnt from their master’s mouth. No point in writing it down. No revision. Direct one time study.

There are evidences pointing to the possibility of a nuclear war during ancient times. Of course we know about the massive killing abilities of the warriors of Mahabharata. The weapons those warriors have may be still greater than we have today. Those are – various astras like brahmastra, pashupatastra, etc. the weapons of sarpas, etc. those warriors used to do significant tapas and acquire such weapons which they could use at will. This action seems impossible today and only can be categorized as myth and legend.

Anyways whatever may be the case, one important thing to remember is that man has certainly degraded in the sense that it uses more of its intellect part (not intelligence, which is a higher realm), of the mind in a non harmonious way with emotional and sexual thoughts tearing that intellect away into different directions.

Using of intellect more and more is the measure of higher being in today’s day and age. Why this is a problem that we will understand in the upcoming write-up. Till then take this thought for consideration and brood over it for some time. What are the alternatives of intellect? Does only intellect makes up intelligence? Difference between intellect and intelligence? What is intuition?

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